Resources for Funders
In our ongoing commitment to amplify community voices and foster a brighter future for Greater New Orleans, GNOFN is excited to share two recent resources with our members. We believe that listening to our communities and sharing knowledge are pivotal actions that can help guide our collective philanthropy and maximize our impact.
- Big Bets for the Long Haul, Stanford Social Innovation Review: Philanthropy’s “big bet” projects can make a big impact, but organizations face challenges in absorbing funds and implementing scale. The One Acre Fund - a recipient of big bet philanthropy - wants to change this. “Far too little thought and action has been expended by donors and doers alike to ensure this promising funding mechanism of big bets sustains for the long haul of social change.” From experience in leveraging big bet donations to disrupt farming challenges in Africa, the One Acre Fund has lessons and a call to action to share for donors and doers alike.
- Fostering Participatory Learning Approaches in Philanthropy: A Guide for the Curious, Engage R+D: Integrating grantee and community feedback in philanthropy can pave the way to increasingly culturally responsive and equitable approaches. This idea - participatory learning - is gaining traction in response to calls for increased transparency and impact. A new guide that aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for funders to incorporate participatory learning in philanthropic practice has been released. The research and development of the guide were funded by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation, the California Health Care Foundation, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman, Conrad N. Hilton, James Irvine, and Walton Family Foundations.
By offering resources to our member community, GNOFN aims to ensure that our initiatives are informed, effective, and deeply connected to the needs and aspirations of our community and with the larger philanthropic communities nationally and around the world.